Coverage Summary for Class: PasswordGen (

Class Class, % Method, % Branch, % Line, % Instruction, %
PasswordGen 0% (0/1) 0% (0/3) 0% (0/22) 0% (0/17) 0% (0/165)

 /** Password generator. This is not thread safe! */
 class PasswordGen(
     private val lowercase: Boolean = true,
     private val uppercase: Boolean = true,
     private val number: Boolean = true,
     private val special: Boolean = true,
 ) {
   private var allowedChars: List<Char>
   init {
     check(lowercase || uppercase || number || special) { "At least one char type must be enabled" }
     allowedChars = buildList {
       if (lowercase) addAll('a'..'z')
       if (uppercase) addAll('A'..'Z')
       if (number) addAll('0'..'9')
       if (special) addAll("~!@#$%^&*+=".toList())
   fun generate(len: Int = 15): String {
     check(len > 0) { "Password length must be greater than 0" }
     allowedChars = allowedChars.shuffled()
     return buildString { repeat(len) { append(allowedChars.random()) } }