Coverage Summary for Class: DOP (dev.suresh)

Class Method, % Branch, % Line, % Instruction, %
DOP 90% (9/10) 85.3% (29/34) 94.3% (66/70) 96.3% (595/618)
DOP$1Lang 100% (2/2) 50% (1/2) 80% (4/5) 64.9% (24/37)
DOP$1Person 100% (1/1) 100% (1/1) 100% (19/19)
DOP$FullName 100% (1/1) 100% (1/1) 100% (19/19)
Total 92.9% (13/14) 83.3% (30/36) 93.5% (72/77) 94.8% (657/693)

 package dev.suresh;
 import java.lang.reflect.RecordComponent;
 import java.nio.file.Files;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
 import static dev.suresh.Expr.eval;
 import static;
 import static java.lang.System.out;
 import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
 public class DOP {
     public static void run() throws Exception {
         record Person(String name, int age) {
         var future = new CompletableFuture<>();
         var textBlock = """
                 This is text block
                 This will join \
                 with the line : %s
                 "quote" = "added"
                 Escape Start  \n \t \r \b \f end
                 Space Escape-\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\s-end
                 Regex \\S \\d \\D \\w \\W
                 Escape char: \u00A0 \u2000 \u3000 \uFEFF \u200B \u200C \u200D \u2028 \u2029
                 """.formatted(new Person("Foo", 40));
         final int count = 10;
         Expr expr = new Expr.Add(new Expr.Const.Int(count), new Expr.Const.Long(3));
         expr = new Expr.Div(expr, new Expr.Const.Int(2));
         expr = new Expr.Add(expr, new Expr.Const.Double(5.0));
         out.printf("Eval(%s) = %d%n", expr, eval(expr));
     private static void stringTemplates() {
         int x = 10;
         int y = 20;
         out.printf("x + y = %d%n", x + y);
     interface Name<T> {
     record FullName<T>(T firstName, T lastName) implements Name<T> {
     private static <T> void print(Name<T> name) {
         var result = switch (name) {
             case FullName(var first, var last) -> "%s, %s".formatted(first, last);
             default -> "Invalid name";
         if (name instanceof FullName<?> f) {
             out.printf("%s, %s%n", f.firstName(), f.lastName());
         // Named record pattern is not supported
         if (name instanceof FullName(var first, var last)) {
             out.printf("%s, %s%n", first, last);
     private static void genericRecordPattern() {
         print(new FullName<>("Foo", "Bar"));
         print(new FullName<>(1, 2));
         print(new FullName<>(10L, 20L));
     private static void amberReflections() {
         var sealedClazz = Result.class;
         out.printf("Result (Interface) -> %s%n", sealedClazz.isInterface());
         out.printf("Result (Sealed Class) -> %s%n", sealedClazz.isSealed());
         for (Class<?> permittedSubclass : sealedClazz.getPermittedSubclasses()) {
             out.printf("%nPermitted Subclass : %s%n", permittedSubclass.getName());
             if (permittedSubclass.isRecord()) {
                 out.printf("%s record components are,%n", permittedSubclass.getSimpleName());
                 for (RecordComponent rc : permittedSubclass.getRecordComponents()) {
     private static void serializeRecord() throws Exception {
         // Local record
         record Lang(String name, int year) implements Serializable {
             Lang {
                 if (year <= 0) {
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid year %s".formatted(year));
         var serialFile = Files.createTempFile("record-serial", "data").toFile();
         try (var oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(serialFile))) {
             List<Record> recs = List.of(new Lang("Java", 25), new Lang("Kotlin", 10), (Record) Result.success(100));
             for (Record rec : recs) {
                 out.printf("Serializing record: %s%n", rec);
             oos.writeObject(null); // EOF
         try (var ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(serialFile))) {
             Object rec;
             while ((rec = ois.readObject()) != null) {
                 var result = switch (rec) {
                     case Lang l when l.year >= 20 -> l.toString();
                     case Lang(var name, var year) -> name;
                     case Result<?> r -> "Result value: %s".formatted(r.getOrNull());
                     default -> "Invalid serialized data. Expected Result, but found %s".formatted(rec);
                 out.printf("Deserialized record: %s%n", rec);
         results().forEach(r -> {
             var result = switch (r) {
                 case null -> "n/a";
                 case Result.Success<?> s -> s.toString();
                 case Result.Failure<?> f -> f.toString();
             out.printf("Result (Sealed Type): %s%n", result);
     static List<Result<?>> results() {
         return Arrays.asList(getResult(5L), getResult(25L), getResult(-1L), getResult("test"), getResult(null));
     static Result<Number> getResult(Object obj) {
         return switch (obj) {
             case null -> Result.failure(new NullPointerException());
             case Long s when s > 0 && s < 10 -> Result.success(s);
             case Long s when s > 10 -> Result.failure(new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(s)));
             default -> Result.failure(new IllegalArgumentException(obj.toString()));