Coverage Summary for Class: ExtnsKt (dev.suresh)

Class Method, % Branch, % Line, % Instruction, %
ExtnsKt 0% (0/16) 0% (0/22) 0% (0/39) 0% (0/339)
ExtnsKt$addPeriodicJFREvent$1 0% (0/1) 0% (0/2) 0% (0/9)
ExtnsKt$methodName$1 0% (0/1) 0% (0/2) 0% (0/1) 0% (0/10)
Total 0% (0/18) 0% (0/24) 0% (0/42) 0% (0/358)

 package dev.suresh
 import java.lang.StackWalker.Option.RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE
 import java.text.DecimalFormat
 import java.text.NumberFormat
 import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore
 import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory
 import jdk.jfr.Event
 import jdk.jfr.FlightRecorder
 import kotlin.jvm.optionals.getOrNull
 import kotlin.math.ln
 import kotlin.math.pow
 import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
 val DEC_FORMAT = DecimalFormat("#.##")
 /** Returns the method name contains this call-site */
 inline val methodName
   get() =
       StackWalker.getInstance(RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE).walk {
 /** Read the [Class] as [ByteArray] */
 fun <T : Class<*>> T.toBytes() =
     classLoader.getResourceAsStream("${name.replace('.', '/')}.class")?.readBytes()
  * Returns the actual class URL
  * ```
  * val url =
  * ```
 val <T : Class<*>> T.resourcePath
   get() = getResource("$simpleName.class")
 /** Returns the jar file path of the class */
 val <T : Class<*>> T.jarPath
   get() = protectionDomain.codeSource.location.toURI().path
 /** Run the lambda in the context of the receiver classloader. */
 fun ClassLoader.using(run: () -> Unit) {
   val cl = Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader
   try {
     Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader = this
   } finally {
     Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader = cl
 /** Returns the file size in a human-readable format. */
 val File.displaySize
   get() = length().byteDisplaySize()
 val Long.compactFmt: String
   get() = NumberFormat.getCompactNumberInstance().format(this)
 /** Converts a string to camelcase by splitting it by space, dash, underscore, or dot. */
 val String.camelCase: String
   get() =
       split("""[.\-_ ]""".toRegex())
           .mapIndexed { idx, s -> if (idx == 0) s else s.replaceFirstChar { it.uppercaseChar() } }
  * Returns a human-readable version of the Byte size, where the input represents a specific number
  * of bytes.
  * - [SI vs Binary](
  * - [SI](
  * - [Binary](
 fun Long.byteDisplaySize(si: Boolean = true): String {
   require(this >= 0) { "Bytes can't be negative" }
   val unit = if (si) 1000 else 1024
   return when (this < unit) {
     true -> "$this B"
     else -> {
       val exp = (ln(toDouble()) / ln(unit.toDouble())).toInt()
       val siSymbol = "kMGTPEZY"[exp - 1].toString()
       val prefix = if (si) siSymbol else "${siSymbol.uppercase()}i"
       val size = this / unit.toDouble().pow(exp)
       "${DEC_FORMAT.format(size)} ${prefix}B"
 fun IntArray.codePointsToString(): String = buildString {
   for (cp in this@codePointsToString) {
 fun IntArray.codePointsToString(separator: String = "") =
     joinToString(separator) { Character.toString(it) }
 /** Adds a periodic event to the JFR stream. */
 inline fun <reified T : Event> addPeriodicJFREvent(event: T, crossinline block: T.() -> Unit) {
   FlightRecorder.addPeriodicEvent( {
 fun semaphoreThreadFactory(s: Semaphore, tf: ThreadFactory = Thread.ofVirtual().factory()) =
     ThreadFactory {
       try {
         tf.newThread {
           try {
           } finally {
       } catch (e: InterruptedException) {
         throw RuntimeException(e)
 /** System env var property delegate. */
 object Env {
   operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): String =
       System.getenv( ?: error("${} not passed as environment")