Coverage Summary for Class: PemExtnsKt (dev.suresh.cert)

Class Class, % Method, % Branch, % Line, % Instruction, %
PemExtnsKt 0% (0/1) 0% (0/18) 0% (0/17) 0% (0/50) 0% (0/307)

 package dev.suresh.cert
 import javax.naming.ldap.LdapName
 import kotlinx.datetime.TimeZone
 import kotlinx.datetime.toKotlinInstant
 import kotlinx.datetime.toLocalDateTime
 const val ALT_RFC822_NAME = 1
 const val ALT_DNS_NAME = 2
 const val ALT_IPA_NAME = 7
 /** PEM certificate pattern */
 val certFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509")
 /** Returns the certificate subject DN (common name) from the certificate */
 val X509Certificate.commonName
   get() =
           .filter { it.type.equals("CN", true) }
           .map { it.value.toString() }
 /** Returns the subject alternative names from the certificate. */
 val X509Certificate.subjectAltNames
   get() =
           .filter { it.size == 2 }
           .mapNotNull {
             val oid = it[0].toString().toInt()
             when (oid) {
               ALT_IPA_NAME -> it[1].toString()
               else -> null
  * Returns true if the certificate is signed by the given [ca] cert., false otherwise.
  * @param ca [X509Certificate] CA cert.
 fun X509Certificate.signedBy(ca: X509Certificate): Boolean =
     when {
       issuerX500Principal != ca.subjectX500Principal -> false
       else -> runCatching { verify(ca.publicKey) }.isSuccess
 /** Returns true if the certificate is self-signed, false otherwise. */
 val X509Certificate.selfSigned
   get() = signedBy(this)
  * Returns `true` if the certificate is a CA certificate.
  * @see [X509Certificate.getKeyUsage]
 val X509Certificate.isCA
   get() = keyUsage?.get(5) == true
 /** Returns `true` if the certificate is an intermediate CA certificate, `false` otherwise. */
 val X509Certificate.isIntermediateCA
   get() = isCA && !selfSigned
 /** Returns the certificate expiry date time in UTC. */
 val X509Certificate.expiryDateUTC
   get() = notAfter.toInstant().toKotlinInstant().toLocalDateTime(TimeZone.UTC)
 val PublicKey.pem: String
   get() = encodePem("PUBLIC KEY", encoded)
 val PrivateKey.pem: String
   get() = encodePem("PRIVATE KEY", encoded)
 val X509Certificate.pem: String
   get() = encodePem("CERTIFICATE", encoded)
 /** Returns true if the cert chain is signed by given Root CA */
 fun List<X509Certificate>.isSignedByRoot(root: List<X509Certificate>): Boolean {
   check(isNotEmpty()) { "Cert chain is empty" }
   val trustAnchors =
           .map {
             // it.checkValidity()
             TrustAnchor(it, null)
   val params = PKIXParameters(trustAnchors).apply { isRevocationEnabled = false }
   val certPath = certFactory.generateCertPath(this)
   val certPathValidator = CertPathValidator.getInstance("PKIX")
   return runCatching { certPathValidator.validate(certPath, params) }.isSuccess
  * Checks if the given string is a PEM encoded certificate.
  * @param data cert data
  * @return `true` if it's a `PEM` certificate.
 fun isPem(data: String) = CERT_PATTERN.containsMatchIn(data)
  * Read all X.509 certificates from the given PEM encoded certificate.
  * @param certChain PEM encoded cert(s)
  * @return list of [X509Certificate]
 fun readCertChain(certChain: String) =
     try {
           .map {
             val base64Text = it.groupValues[1]
             val buffer = Base64.Mime.decode(base64Text.toByteArray(Charsets.US_ASCII))
             certFactory.generateCertificate(buffer.inputStream()) as X509Certificate
     } catch (e: Exception) {
       throw IllegalStateException("Can't read the PEM certificate, cert data is invalid", e)
 /** Encodes the given [encoded] bytes to PEM format. */
 fun encodePem(type: String, encoded: ByteArray) =
     """-----BEGIN $type-----
       |-----END $type-----