Coverage Summary for Class: AppConfig (dev.suresh.config)

Class Class, % Method, % Branch, % Line, % Instruction, %
AppConfig 0% (0/1) 0% (0/6) 0% (0/2) 0% (0/9) 0% (0/49)

 package dev.suresh.config
 import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
 import io.github.oshai.kotlinlogging.KotlinLogging
 import io.ktor.server.config.ApplicationConfig
 import kotlin.reflect.full.withNullability
 import kotlin.reflect.typeOf
 import kotlin.time.Duration
 import kotlinx.serialization.hocon.*
  * Initializes the config data classes from the application config. Since HOCON is used for
  * application configuration, `kotlinx.serialization.hocon` is used to deserialize the config. The
  * [AppConfig.init] method should be called before accessing the config values.
 data object AppConfig {
   val log = KotlinLogging.logger {}
   private lateinit var appConfig: ApplicationConfig
   private val hocon = Hocon {
     serializersModule = Hocon.serializersModule
     encodeDefaults = true
   /** Initializes application config */
   fun init(config: ApplicationConfig) { { "Initializing App configurations..." }
     appConfig = config
   /** Application authn/authz configuration. */
   val auth by lazy {
     val config = ConfigFactory.parseMap(appConfig.config("app.auth").toMap())
     hocon.decodeFromConfig<Map<String, String>>(config)
  * Extension function to get and convert config values to their respective type. Nullability is
  * disabled to support java types
 inline fun <reified T> ApplicationConfig.prop(prop: String) =
     when (typeOf<T>().withNullability(false)) {
       typeOf<String>() -> property(prop).getString()
       typeOf<List<String>>() -> property(prop).getList()
       typeOf<Boolean>() -> property(prop).getString().toBoolean()
       typeOf<Int>() -> property(prop).getString().toInt()
       typeOf<Long>() -> property(prop).getString().toLong()
       typeOf<Double>() -> property(prop).getString().toDouble()
       typeOf<Duration>() -> Duration.parse(property(prop).getString().lowercase())
       else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type: ${typeOf<T>()}")
         as T